If he smokes it is would smoke. In he just looks it.

likely to be in the same way HE short he does not become feminine This manner of behaviour is not based on how well he may be able to appear as a woman- some very pretty TV's are still of this type. On the other hand there are many whose physical appearance makes the creation of a passable feminine appearance imposs- ible but who nevertheless emotionally are able to pass into the feminine role.

Some of these more highly developed fetishists apparently sometimes feel somewhat "out of it" by their inability to develop and experience a femmeself. They take out their frustration by attacking verbally those who are able to experience it. An interesting verification of their essential masculinity is that such attacks are carried on by typically masculine means and words. This is not surprising since aggressive attack is primarily a masculine function in our society.

It would seem to me that if one is going to go to all the trouble, expense, risk and worry that a TV does go to, he at least ought to cultivate by every poss- ible means the feminine virtues while abstaining from feminine weaknesses and shortcomings as much as possible. This should not be interpreted as a Clarion call to become a more intense and expreme TV and to do things that you haven't done before etc. Even in its simplest form, TV involves enough difficulties without attempting to intensify them. No, what I mean is, if you are going to wear a dress, brassiere, lipstick and heels, then certainly you owe it to consistancy to try to be the best of what those things represent to men--lovingness, compassion, understanding, helpfulness--passivity as against daily masculine aggressiveness, acceptance instead of cempeditive resistance, etc. In short if its worth doing at all its worth doing well and extracting the most from it. How about the motto, if you are going to look the part, act the part?"